December 20, 2024
Two people with jealous faces

Empowering Yourself: Strategies to Shield Against Jealousy and Negativity

Friends, many difficulties come into our lives, and after overcoming them, we find moments of simple joys. Perhaps some of us were born into financially well-off families, which provided them with all comforts and luxuries. However, most people engage in hard work day and night to fulfill their selected dreams.

In our neighborhood and families, there are often people who envy our progress. Envy is considered a sin, a wrongdoing by majority of elderly and wise people. Envy can drive you to do anything – positive or negative. Perhaps your physical, mental, or financial condition doesn’t suggest that you should envy someone else, especially for something that isn’t even related to your work.

Envy is also born within us when we see someone else happier or more financially successful than ourselves. If someone, about whom we think that they don’t deserve the happiness they’re experiencing or the things they possess, envy starts from there. Anyway, we can control our envy to some extent, but how to deal with jealous people around us?

Friends, you can never know if someone is jealous of you unless they say or do something explicitly to show their jealousy. Jealous people emit negative energy, which steals some joy from our lives. They notice every aspect of your happiness and try to disrupt it. Perhaps we may not encounter so many jealous people in our lives, but those who do should follow this advice.

Befriend Good People

Engage in friendship or conversation with people who respect you, who don’t envy you, and who always stand by your side. It’s a great option for you. If you have a friend who has been with you for years and understands your pain, you can talk to them. When you’re with such friends, jealous people are less likely to approach you.

Reduce Communication With Jealous People

If a jealous person tries to talk to you, they attempt to gauge your happiness and what you value most. The way they talk, the way they extract information from you, and their eyes, all help them form an opinion or an impression about you. They’ll accept their opinion as true and form an image of you in their minds. This image can take on a negative form later. Instead, communicate less with them.

Understand Why They Are Jealous

Thirdly, you can show empathy towards jealous people. Perhaps they’re so troubled in their lives that even your happiness is causing them pain. If they want to talk, sit down with them and try to understand what’s bothering them the most. After all, everyone faces difficulties in life. Try to understand them, but if their jealousy stems from something else entirely, then leave discussing it.

Keep Jealous People Away From Your Personal Life

If someone is jealous and you can’t distance yourself from them, and if none of these three methods work, then you’ll have to find a fourth way. That is, learn to ignore their words. They could be a family member or a close friend who envies you, but if you can’t distance yourself from them, don’t give their words too much importance. If you do, you’ll have to justify yourself to them, and arguing with such jealous individuals isn’t appropriate. If jealousy is part of their core personality, don’t pay too much attention to what they say.

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