Inside Out 2 is a child-friendly yet adult-oriented animated movie that was released in June 2024. It continues the coming-of-age story of Riley Anderson, the girl introduced in the Inside Out (2015) movie. Now, she is a teenager who is struggling with more complex emotions than before. The fan-favorite Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear and Disgust return to control Riley and her reactions towards the new challenges in her school. However, this time, new emotions join the headquarters (control room) including Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment and Ennui.
Introduction to the Character
Riley Anderson, now at 13-years of age, faces hormonal changes as the feeling of embarrassment and anxiety take over. Amid this, her best friends Bree and Grace drop a bomb that they will not go to the same high school; however ensure that their friendship will remain unchanged towards each other. Anxiety, a new team member takes over the control room and makes up her mind to make decisions which benefit Riley in the long term. She is a fast-paced character who firmly makes decisions without thinking about any consequences. Awakenings Review: Rediscovering Life, Robert De Niro at His Best in This 1990 Movie
Backing Anxiety are emotions like Embarrassment, Envy, Ennui (boredom). All of these fill the control room and start making changes that suit Riley. Joy who once led the team including Fear, Disgust, Sadness and Anger controlling the board now faces competition from the new team. Anxiety decides to replace Joy as she finds her incapacitated and outdated to handle the growing emotions of Riley. She banishes the first emotion team and takes over the headquarters with new emotions.
The decision however leads to a rollercoaster ride as Riley acts unnaturally to the responses given by the new team. She leaves her old friends and joins new group to pursue her goal of becoming a successful hockey player. These things are not appreciated by the old or original emotions. Joy and her team feel Anxiety was viciously taking control over the responses of Riley and destroying her roots completely. She and her team struggle to get back to the HQ to set the things right and back on the track.
Inside Out 2 Official Trailer
Is Inside Out 2 a Good Movie?
Inside Out 2 is a great movie to watch with family as it gives a lot of twists and turns that teaches kids new perspectives about themselves, especially the teens. The movie hits all the marks for delivering a joyride that is filled with excitement, action and drama. If the kids have watched the first one, then this could be a great adventure to take them through a journey of growth and give control over their emotions.
Kids, especially those who let their emotions take better of them can learn a thing or two about making the right choices that do not lead to any long term harm. The movie shows how a 13-years old teen cannot explain what she is going through to her parents and even behaves angrily towards them. The range of emotions felt by the teenagers are perfectly captured in this movie. The anxiety, embarrassment, envy, anger and disgust are among them.
Message at the End of Movie
This movie sends a message to the viewers that they need to stick to their original behavior and avoid trying to impress others with what they have or will have. It is true that change is necessary for growth and development, however not at the cost of ignoring the past and roots. Riley Anderson is an example of how complex the life of a teengar can be. The parents should be careful with how they behave with their kids as it could be a foundation of what they become in the future. Sandlot (1993) Movie Review – Playing Baseball, Overcoming Fears, and Winning Hearts
Overall, Inside Out 2 is a powerful coming-of-age movie for the teengar of the current generation. It is a fun-ride that also works well for the adults. When watching the movie, the kids can laugh, feel sad and also learn to be responsible for their future.